Monday, May 21, 2007

Now What?

It's always kind of a let down after completing a 12 week challenge. I worked so hard to get to the end, but always feel like I let myself down and could have done better. Could I have done better? I guess the answer is always YES. I could have eaten a grilled chicken instead of a Quiznos Sub. I could have increased the intensity during my extra cardio. Still though, it's those little slips that keep me sane I think. Sometimes your mind and body just need a break from the constant "abuse" you give it. Is abuse the right word? Sometimes I think it is, but it's that same abuse that progresses you forward. If I wasn't in pain after abusing myself, I wouldn't be in the shape I'm in now.

I'm taking a break from constant healthy eating this week. I'm not going overboard on junk food, but I'm not planning my meals either. I will partake in food found in the office (Dunkin Donuts this morning). I'll also hit some local restaurants and not look at the fat content. I will gain a few pounds this week. The good news is I know how to lose weight now and breaks like this are barely a blip on my road to the end.

I'm still hitting the weights hard though. I was just thinking yesterday that in the last 15 months, I've maybe missed a total of 3 workouts. I've probably had to reschedule a few workouts, but only skipped about 3. That's damn good if you ask me. I'll start a new challenge in a couple weeks and of course I already started the Ab challenge. All extra cardio is out the window for at least 6 weeks while I try to build mass. Then the last 6 weeks I'll try cutting and see how that goes.

Okay, that's enough thinking for the day. I'll leave you with my transformation for the last 15 months.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Friday, May 11, 2007

Inaugural Post

I'm really not a blogger, but thought I would give it a shot. For the last 15 months I've been working out and eating healthy by doing the Body For Life program. I've managed to lose over 50lbs and I'm now in the best shape of my life...even compared to when I was a teenager. I owe a lot of my success and motivation to all the members of the the Tracker web site. I've been a daily poster since May of 2006. Just recently though, I've been getting burned out trying to keep up with the site....hence the beginning of this blog. Instead of posting my daily workouts and food to that site, I figured I would just start keeping track here on my own. I can't rely on other people to keep me healthy the rest of my life so I need to learn to do this on my own. I'm sure I'll check in to the site a lot and continue to track my progress through pictures and measurements, but won't participate in the threads as much anymore. We'll see how it goes :-)

Adding a picture here for my profile: