Sunday, July 8, 2007

I have a big deck

My deck is finally done. It took me 2 weekends to prime and paint all the railings. And my entire weeks vacation last week to replace the top boards. If a salesman tries to convince you to buy the invisible fasteners that you attach the boards to the joists from underneath the deck, run away fast. I could of had the thing done in 2 days at the most, but the invisible fasteners took 5 times as long to do and was a pain sitting and crawling under the deck.

Here's the steps leading up to best friend lays in wait for me :)

Here's the custom gate I made to keep the dog off the deck if we have friends over for a BBQ.

Here's the finished deck boards. They're the fake composite boards. nails or screws showing.

Here's some shots from the back of the house

Here is what the fasteners look like from underneath. I had to do a billion rows of these fasteners.